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The Three Saints Academy Trust comprises of individual schools each with their own ethos but sharing the same mission: 'If you can believe, all things are possible to those who believe'. To achieve our mission school's follow a set of principles which make us unique. We call these The Five Fingerprints:

Nurturing Values, creating distinctive character

Every child is known and valued by all adults in school. We educate everybody in our school community and place great importance on building positive relationships, promoting everyone's wellbeing and developing everyone's talents. There are opportunities for everyone to shine and excel and we stop at nothing to achieve this. We place great emphasis on the chosen values of each school creating a unique setting and community

Aspiration leading to Excellence

We expect excellence from everyone. We believe that everyone can achieve great things, so we set exceptionally high expectations resulting in excellent standards in all aspects of school life. We equip and inspire our staff so that they can teach our children the knowledge and skills they need to be the best they can be.

Curriculum innovation

We have developed a broad and bespoke curriculum for our children filled with unique learning opportunities which aim to engage and motivate pupils promoting a life-long love of learning. We ensure children's basic skills in English and Maths are secure, prioritising depth in children's learning, in order to build firm foundations for their future.

Collaborating to improve outcomes for all

We believe an integral part of our success is collaboration. We work, together as a trust, to serve children, staff and the wider community to improve outcomes for all. By working with our Teaching school, all staff are supported with their training and development needs, sharing best practice so that they can deliver excellence- ensuring the best for all.

Cultivating future Leaders

...We are committed to developing leaders in every role at every level in both children and staff. We develop independence and resilience in all by providing them with opportunities to lead and make a difference to their school.